iNAP, Oral Negative Pressure Therapy for Sleep Apnea Brings Patients and Clinicians More Options

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Somnics Health unveiled iNAP, a new intermittent oral negative pressure therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients at SLEEP 2021, and showcased the device to attendees of the virtual conference. Somnics was established in 2011 in Taiwan, and after receiving FDA clearance for its iNAP device in May 2020, the company established a US presence.


iNAP uses a soft, flexible oral interface that attaches to a slender tube and connects to the battery-powered console. The device uses suction to bring the soft tissues forward, stabilizing the tongue, and keeping the airway clear.


“We believe that there is an unmet need for a large number of individuals who haven’t yet been officially diagnosed with OSA. These individuals are aware that they probably have a sleep-breathing disorder, and they may have heard of CPAP therapy or oral appliances, but they outright reject these most common sleep apnea treatments,” says Olivier Lauzeral, General Manager of Somnics Health, in a release. “We believe that when they discover the comfort, convenience, and form factor of iNAP, many will decide to pursue a diagnosis and treatment to address their sleep issues. Allowing more patients to be diagnosed and treated and live better lives is our main aspiration. In addition, with the largest CPAP recall in history that began in 2021, we’ve been able to fill a gap for many patients and clinicians who were looking for alternative sleep therapy and were excited to try iNAP. “


This year, the company will be exhibiting at the in-person SLEEP 2022 meeting in Charlotte, NC. Sleep apnea patients in all 50 states now have access to iNAP through partnerships with durable medical equipment providers and board-certified sleep physicians, as well as through its direct-to-consumer approach.

The company’s goal is to provide a high-touch coaching program that maintains an adherence rate above 80% for its users. The iNAP customer success team onboards the patient through video sessions and supports them as they acclimate to this CPAP alternative.


Lori Schulman, Director of Marketing and Patient Experience, says in a release, “iNAP is not for everyone; however, for most users who are good candidates and adhere to the treatment, iNAP can be life-changing, given the comfort, convenience, simplicity, and bed partner approval. As with any new therapy, some patients take longer to acclimate. Through our dedicated coaching program, our goal is to bring most patients into full nightly compliance while keeping the treating physician in the loop.”


The negative pressure therapy has earned 155 patents issued worldwide and been featured in more than 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

“The sleep industry is ripe for disruption,” Lauzeral says. “I’ve personally been on the OSA patient’s journey. And coming from the tech world, I was frustrated by the way I was moved through the healthcare system. iNAP Sleep will provide sleep physicians and OSA patients with a new, patient-preferred alternative therapy that is simple, comfortable, and effective. We are assembling a team of professionals who understand patients’ mindsets throughout the diagnostics and treatment odyssey to simplify it. Together, we are building a company that will provide superior care and outcomes.”


Somnics Health also offers iNAP in other countries including Australia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

Another oral pressure therapy, Winx, was available in the United States through 2017, however its manufacturer, ApniCure, went out of business. iNAP’s improved form factors and characteristics make its leadership team believe that the market will readily accept this new therapy given the market influences and challenges associated with COVID and the CPAP recall.

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